Who’da Thunk it?

ImageNo ruler was used in the construction of this illustration.

For the longest time I struggled with perspective. Mainly because I hated using the ruler and always doing something to jeopardize the integrity of the line. Over the last few days I have been practicing drawing straight lines and ellipses as well as free-handing spheres. Today, whilst messing around with straight lines I started thinking, I can draw lines this way, then that way, and “oh look I have a cube”. Then I quickly realized I was drawing in perspective and having fun. After free-handing about 15 – 20 cubes, I decided I would draw something recognizable in perspective. Initially it was going to be a building or city scene like you usually see when people begin drawing in perspective, and then… I just started drawing a Tardis instead. Ahhhh, my two loves coming together, Art & Make Believe. 

While it is not perfect, I can honestly say I am noticing a marked improvement in my confidence and my ability to draw a straight line without a ruler. The text in perspective probably could have been done much better but this was all about the perspective of the box itself.